Course Reviews on ENG2246 Intr To Socioling, Eng2328 (35e, 46e, 55e, 66e, 76e, 85e, 86e) Intro To Sociolinguistics
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Professor: Dr. ML Lai
Course Description
This module explores the relationship between language, society and education. Issues of special reference to Hong Kong, such as bilingualism, language policies and planning, and English as an international language are considered in greater depth together with the implications of these issues for education.
1. Quizzes: 20%
2. Exam on key concepts and issues discussed in the course: 40%
3. Group report on a sociolinguistic project :
Students undertake mini research, collect data and demonstrate critical understanding of key concepts in the analyses. :40%
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ENG2246 Intr To Socioling, Eng2328 (35e, 46e, 55e, 66e, 76e, 85e, 86e) Intro To Sociolinguistics