Menstruation in Action

Menstruation in Action

HKU Sociology Society

Event Date: 2018-10-05

Event End Date: 2018-10-12

MenstruAction呈獻Menstruation in Action!
呢個十月,我地為你帶黎一系列同月經有關嘅活動,包括DIY布M巾工作坊、記錄片放映會,同埋邀請左各方嘉賓嘅講座,無論你鐘意落手體驗定係靜靜地思考,總有啱你嘅活動 :D
想知道更多活動詳情,就睇下各個活動嘅event page啦~

MenstruAction presents Menstruation in Action
This October, we are holding a series of events, including DIY menstruation pad workshop, documentary screening, and a talk with various guests. Whether you like hands-on experiences or quietly listening and thinking, there must be a perfect event for you.
More information in the events' pages!

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