As a student, you can choose to work as a part time, there are mainly two stream: 1) part time job in university
2) part time job in the society
1)For part time job in university
it would be around HKD$55-60/hour working for different department in the university, it is called student helper. Job scope includes event helper, student ambassador promoting the university, preparation of promotional material etc.
The reason why these part time jobs exist are for the short term manpower need for special events which the university staffs can't fully satisfy.
2) For part time job in the society
it depends on what you are working on:
If it is a tutorial job for a primary student, it is around HKD$80-100/hour.
If it is a waiter job in restaurant, it is around HKD$40-60/hour.
If it is a event helper, it would be HKD$50-70/hour
If it is a office job for basic administrative work, it would be HKD$40-60/hourAs a student, you can choose to work as a part time, there are mainly two stream: 1) part time job in university
2) part time job in the society
1) part time job in university
2) part time job in the society
1)For part time ...
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