This course is a survey of the problems pertaining to economic development. Topics included are: the concept of development, income distribution, theories of economic development, population and employment problems, agriculture, industry and international trade. Students are advised to take ECON2011 and 2021 before taking this course.
50% midterm 50% final
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Professor: BAI Ying
Course Description
The goal of this course is to understand the economic problems of developing countries by utiliz-
ing economic theories and their applications. The course will cover both macroeconomic and mi-
croeconomic approaches to development economics. We will begin by providing an overview of
growth theories and discussing their potential in explaining income differences across countries.
Then, we will proceed to study various facets of human development, including poverty, nutrition,
health, education, institutions, culture, and history.
Homework (30%): 15% X 2
Group presentation and peer evaluation (20%):[4%] Slides&[12%] Presentation&[4%] Anonymous Peer Evaluation
Final exam (50%)
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ECON3460 Development Economics