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1 day ago
Professor: Michael Yu Ruisi
the lecturer just read the ppt
1 day ago
Professor: Michael Yu Ruisi
Networking is more important in this course. You know what I mean
Professor: CHAN Chi Ming
Professor: CHEUNG Wai Kit
Professor: Tsang Heung Kam
Professor: CHOW, Carol P.H.
She admitted that she was NOT GOOD AT AUDIO/SOUND. She and the TAs only taught this session with less than one lecture of sound narrative theories plus around two lectures of practical skills on how to record and edit recordings. Yet, she expected students to combine soundscapes, human voices and music into the audio assignment with perfect timing, making every second meaningful. Some classmates and I agreed that we couldn’t grasp the essence of her teaching.
Moreover, handing in 3 assignments in 7 weeks was very DEMANDING. If you want to start working on the assignments when all content has been taught, you only have ONE WEEK to complete TWO ASSIGNMENTS. I hope that it will be better next year.
I took this course during summer semester, with whole day lesson. If the lecturer remains the same, and it is whole day lesson in summer, I recommend every student taking this course to BRING YOUR OWN LUNCHBOXES, as there will likely be CLASSWORK DURING LUNCHTIME.
She strongly tend to FORCE HER RULES, AESTHETIC STANDARDS AND WORD VIEWS ON STUDENT’S WORKS, and be very critical on grading. See from above for her worldviews.
Professor: Professor TSAO King Kwun
The professor shares a large variety of examples from different policy areas to demonstrate the skills involved in comparative policy. Through hands-on practice in the group presentation and individual research paper, students can get a better understanding through interactive experiences.
Professor: Professor Jin SUN
Professor Sun has claims he will teach a lot about the global sociology and that he will invite guest lecturers during the course so students can establish a connection and success in the financial industry. In order to ensure his course not being cancelled, he will teach "normally" with PowerPoint. However, this is absolutely a false promise and borderline deception with intent. After the add-drop period, he has completely changed his teaching attitutde. None of the guest lecturers as claimed in the course outline has ever shown up to class, but instead it is about often an 1 hour interview clip from Youtube! He no longer uses PowerPoint to teach, but rather kept on broadcasting Youtube videos and waste most of the class time on students' presentation. He even disrespect the students and constantly make fun of their presentations and insulting the students' supposed "lack of knowledge" on the subject matter when he is the one who has never taught anything in class. For example, he always play on his phone throughout the students present presentation (e.g., texting, watching video, or web surfing) and then afterwards spend the entire Q&A making the presenters feeling humiliated. In short, I found this course has serious teaching quality problems to the point it has become the instructor is rather using the students for his selfish gains for tenure-track promotion, so therefore, I would recommend the students to choose other UGEC courses and have far less confidence with this course.
Professor: Cherry Lam To Kam
Dr. Lam taught the lesson in a strict and monotonous manner. For discussions, she will arrange everyone into groups and let every group share their thoughts groupwise. She is an experienced lecturer, so she knows how to deal with texts and also discussions. However, that is not the case for essays(TP and RJ), as she only wants an essay stream that she thinks is correct. Otherwise, you are very possibly subjected to a bad grade. Essays, in my opinion, should be open and free to write what you think is right, especially if you are discussing philosophical and abstract concepts, and as long as it is logically sound and grammatically graceful, it is perfectly fine. Yet, in her class, you are quite limited to writing freely; you should write the one idea that she thinks is right instead of what you think is justifiable. Still, I am happy to take the class because I believe I learned from the texts.
Professor: Angela Tong
Lecturer good, lab ta bad
Professor: SK Lee
Don’t teach in class
Professor: Prof. HALL Stephen
A very hardworking professor, answered every question.
Professor: YAM Kwan Mei
teaching skills okay la; too many in-class activities which altogether only account for 10% of the total grade, seriously overrun.
Professor: Hugo Ip
taught in cantonese, practical but technical analysis is somehow not that useful in reality
Professor: Professor WANG Sibo
recordings are provided
Professor: Ms. Chan Sin Han Catalina
Mediocre, despite what the course outline says, the lessons are not interactive, even in Q&A. Most of the time it's just the teacher talking without student input. Plus, the teacher show bias towards certain topics. However, she is friendly most of the time and will answer your questions on assignments.
Professor: Kim Cheon Mok, John
Professor: Dr Tomohiro Inoue
Monotone tone and reads from slides. Lectures are not mandatory so you can skip those. However, he's still helpful when you have questions about the lecture materials.
In the Group report, you need to code the interview data but this process wasn't taught until the last tutorial. Furthermore, the tutorial only explained very briefly. You need to research on your own to know what exactly you need to do
Professor: Dr. Ivy Xingya XU
The professor directly reads PPT slide, but can explain complicated concepts well. The lecture slides are enough for the mid-term quiz but the textbook is helpful for understanding the concepts better. The professor and TAs are helpful with the group project and gives detailed advice.
Professor: Issac Lowe Chun Yip
Issac is a funny and easygoing lecturer with a deep understanding and knowledge of philosophy and public affairs. If you are interested in both of these, try this course! You won't regret it!
Professor: Dr. Ivy Xingya XU
The professor's teaching is alright. She reads from the lecture slides so it doesn’t make a difference if you attend lectures or not. She welcomes questions from students and answers them in detail. However, her tips for the exam may be misleading. Although there are "required readings", you don't actually need to read them.
Professor: Dr. Frederick Hok Ming CHEUNG
Professor is friendly and enthusiastic about teaching, he often plays songs and videos related to the lecture. Also, after the Mid-term exam, he'll give back the papers and explain things you need to improve on. However, he sometimes struggles to finish lectures on time. The Powerpoint itself is a bit simplistic as he wants you to attend the lectures to understand it better.
Professor: LAU Lo
Professor: Li Chi Leung
Instructor required students to do plank on the rough running track... I was hurt by the rough track; only announce written test date 2 weeks before; quite strict in skills test; Conclusion: should avoid registering his class especially if you are not good at sports
Professor: Prof Yang Xue
Sherry is supportive and approachable
Professor: Dr Anna Tsui
Anna is a very nice lecturer who remembers most of the students in the class. Lectures are quite interesting as she always uses real-life business cases and online games to illustrate the management concepts. She also shares a lot of her experience working as an HR specialist. Highly recommended unless you want to skip lectures (which is almost impossible in Anna’s class).
Professor: Dr Linda Yung
Linda tries to make us understand the underlying principles of the math - but she actually makes it more complicated; always says “nothing new”; some advanced economic concepts involved
Professor: Ms He Shan (何杉老師)
Ms He teaches pretty well
Professor: Prof Ye Lei
Ye Lei is a new professor who just came to CUHK in 2023/24; Rather clear explanation but boring & no interaction with students in class; slow teaching pace and always behind schedule
Professor: Dr Raymond Wong
Raymond is a very friendly lecturer who remembers most of the students. Very clear explanation and well-prepared ppt (but will need to fill in the blanks on the ppt slides by yourself, so don’t skip lectures). Will occasionally invite students to answer questions in class.
Professor: Cao Hong Jian
If given the chance, a house plant would teach better than him. He speaks too softly, doesn't adjust his mic, says at the start of the course that "you have to work hard to get a good grade" but doesn't fucking explain anything adequately and just skims over important concepts. He spends like 40 minutes talking crap about his research and 20 actually about class content. I had to self-learn everything with Crash Course and Khan Academy. He seems nice but his concerning lack of teaching skills (he said that he's been teaching for over 10 years in Beijing which is very concerning, because if that's the case, how did his students survive???) really put the final nail to the coffin. Working hard brings you nowhere. It took me 20 hours to complete an assignment of four questions because he explained naut. Zilch. Nada.
Professor: Birks, David
He is a VERY GOOD lecturer. Genuinely can capture your attention for 2 hours non-stop. He's very knowledgeable and helpful as well.
Professor: Han Dong Kun
lecture notes are just copied from textbook (and is poorly copied, sometimes will miss the steps or even result in example/proof), better directly read textbook instead. Professor is nice, but he said NO PASTPAPERS WERE PROVIDED IN PREVIOUS YEARS(provided 2020 final this year tho, but the final this year is mostly different from that and the questions are hard).
Professor: YIN Xiaotong
quite easy to comprehend who teaches this course rlly doesn't matter just put more time to rmb all the stuffs then u will be fine. This lecturer is ultimately a killer, B- cut off score 70/100, more than 100 people (total 365 people in the class) cant even get a B-. Useless grading
Professor: Dr Vince Ngan Siu Hin
The professor answers students' questions quickly, thoughtfully and comprehensively. Plus, he posts all students' questions onto the Blackboard so other students can refer to it. In terms of the course content though, it is very math-heavy but the math is useless for future PSYC courses; only the concepts is useful. Lectures and tutorials can skip
Professor: Dr. KOT Hung Wan
useful course, good grade lecturer
Professor: Tomohiro Inoue
Monotone but explains different concepts clearly. Although the course has some foundational knowledge from PSYC2350, he explains them clearly to students who haven't taken/completed it yet. The textbook may help you understand better but the format is very annoying to read. The assessment of tutorial participation is a bit troublesome, as it requires you to ask questions in every presentation. Lecture not mandatory but I suggest going to it as this course introduces some linguistics concepts that could be easier to understand in person.
Professor: Au Winton Wing Tung
The professor is very passionate, outgoing and friendly. He actively engages the students by asking questions, telling jokes, and showing video demonstrations. Explains concept in a clear way. However he can be ditzy sometimes, such as forgetting to teach a certain topic and telling the wrong date for the midterm (these may be due to cancellation of first class). Lectures and tutorials are not mandatory, but tutorials are a good time to discuss group project with TAs.
Professor: Maurer Urs
Professor is kind-hearted and friendly. Teaching is ok-ish but the content of the Powerpoint is just copying the textbook. No need to attend lectures or tutorials unless you need to present/you are the audience group.
CHEM1280 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biomolecules
Shared by Anonymous
1 day ago
Professor: Jiang XIA
He teaches like shit, mainly due to his inability to explain basic concepts clearly. As a result, he over-complicates even the simplest organic chemistry concept. Also, his English has a heavy Chinese accent and he never speaks into the microphone.